Sunday, April 17, 2011

Connecting to the Souls of Our Parents

Transformational Breath Circle - Sunday, April 24, 2011, 6:30pm- 8pm, The Hub

Mother energy helps us feel our innate value and take care of ourselves. Father energy helps us feel supported by the universe and have faith that we can succeed. When we are disconnected from the energy of our Father and Mother, we can feel unsupported and unloved in this world.

Sometimes when we feel betrayed by our human Mother and Father, we cut ourselves off from the blessings and gifts that come from the representative energies. Because we were hurt, we reject the Mother and in doing so, we reject self-love and self-nurturing.

When we reject the Father, we reject all that he represents: strength, financial success, faith in ourselves. Sometimes we can even unconsciously punish ourselves by not succeeding or not being happy so we can hold on to blaming our parents for their mistakes.

But we need these powerful energy forms to support us in our lives. Self-love is our birthright. And every person has the right and ability to feel successful.

In this circle, we will uncover the Mother/Father material in our subconscious, we will release the pain or frustration that we could not express as children, then we will take responsibility for our feelings and set them free. We will clear our subconscious of anger and resentment. We will let go of blaming our parents. We will forgive ourselves for judging them.

And this will allow us to open to the healing energies of the Mother and Father.

Once we are open to receiving, we will connect to the SOULS of our parents. The SOUL, unlike the FLAWED personality, is all love. We will let ourselves be infused by that love and support that we need so much to know our incredible true value.

And if that is still too painful, we will connect to the energy form itself: Mother Earth and Father Sun. The important thing is to allow the connection to the energy and receive. We will be saturated in love and empowered by our renewed faith in ourselves. Aho! Amen! So it is.

The Hub
2001 South Barrington, Ste. 150
Los Angeles, CA 90025

Exchange: $35

Bring: Yoga, Mat, Blanket, Willingness to transform

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Feeling Our Feelings

Anger. Unworthiness. Disappointment. Sorrow. Rejection. These can be unpleasant emotions to process. So what do we do? We deny we feel them. We buck up. We repress. We stay too busy to feel our feelings. And then those feelings turn into: Anxiety. Back Pain. Rage. Procrastination. Addictions. Migraines. Exhaustion. And, on top of those -- the double whammy: guilt and shame.

We need to listen to ourselves. We need to give ourselves time to feel our feelings. We need to be honest about where we are and what we are going through. There is no shame in being angry. There is nothing wrong with crying. Humans have feelings that need to be expressed!

Our feelings are our road maps to our dark, hidden false beliefs. Those are the beliefs we created as children to protect our tender, little hearts when they got hurt. If we don’t follow the map we can’t clear the roadblocks created from the beliefs. If we don’t clear the roadblocks, they get bigger and bigger and create more and more pain until we are forced to look at them. Most of the time we don’t even have a conscious awareness of what the original belief was.

Until we are clear of the negative feelings and beliefs it is impossible to feel the exuberant joy possible for us.

In this circle we will get honest with ourselves. What is no longer working? What am not admitting to myself? What is the world mirroring back to me that I am denying? Then, through the breathwork, we will clear that which we have repressed, uncover the original trauma/event and rewrite the underlying, false belief.

Let’s get real, get over it and get on with the good stuff. Haven’t we all suffered enough already?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Discover the Magical You and Create your Dream Life

Let’s step into the magical realm of POSSIBILITIES where we can co-create our highest good and cut the ties of repeated patterns that no longer serve us. Combining kundalini yoga, quantum mechanics and breathwork, we will bravely go to new realms of joy and happiness, imagining our dream life and crossing the threshold to be there now!

The Hub
2001 S. Barrington Avenue, Ste 150
LA, CA 90025

Time: 6:30pm- 8pm

Exchange: $35

How to prepare: wear loose fitting clothes like jogging/yoga pants or pajamas, eat lightly, bring water and a pen and paper.